Oakridge International School is a centre for excellence in education. In keeping with the rich heritage of India, it will stress the simultaneous development of the Spirit, the Mind and the Body and endeavor to send out compassionate, responsible and innovative students committed to change and progress in the development of India and the global environment.
At the 31st Sub- Jr State meet, held at GHMC Secunderabad,Iearned a place at the Nationals by securing1
gold and 2 silver medals. At the National meets (Indore) I went as far as the
final heats. It was an amazing experience!! -Ryan Cherian Jacob, Grade VIII CIE
Match =-2, Amartya Sen V\S Mother Teresa Oakridge
international school newton campus, Senior secondary school basketball
competition for girls stated yesterday, match won by the Amartya Sen by 25-23
over Mother Teresa.
Match =-2, Mother Teresa V\S Rabindranath Tagore Oakridge
international school newton campus, Senior secondary school basketball
competition for boys stated yesterday, match won by the Rabindranath Tagore by
32-24 over Mother Teresa Congratulations.
Match =-1, Rabindranath Tagore\S C.V. Raman Oakridge
international school newton campus, Senior secondary school basketball
competition for girls stated yesterday, match won by the Rabindranath Tagore
by 21-13 over C, v Raman. Congratulations.
Match =-1, Amartya Sen V\S C.V. Raman Oakridge
international school newton campus, Senior secondary school basketball
competition for boys stated yesterday, match won by the C.V. RAMAN by 38-36
over AMARTYA SEN. Congratulations.
Vaishnavi Reddy of
grade 7, C of oakridge international school newton campus shines at the All
India Sub Junior badminton championship U-13, held at Udipi. Vaishnavi won U-13,
singles. Won U-13, doubles. Won U-15, doubles.
of grade 1F has participated in Show and Tell activity with great enthusiasm.
They have drawn their favourite planet and came up with few facts about that
planet. Later they were sharing their views about it. This activity made them
confident and strengthen their communication skills.
The Nursery students showed their
enthusiasm and participated with high energy and interest in various games and racers
designed for them to develop their gross motor skills during their PE sessions.
The PP
2 students learnt important skills in racing during their PE sessions. They
learnt to follow instructions for starting the race and the meaning of start
line and to listen to the oral instructions of the coach to start the race in a
proper manner. The students were very receptive and participated
with vigor and enthusiasm.
Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) has launched RBIQ, an All-India Inter-SchoolQuiz, with a view to create awareness and interest about the
history and role ofRBI, about banking and finance, other banking institutions,
economics, current affairs, personalities and events that have contributed to
the growth and progress of India over the years. RBI Quiz is informative, educational and
enjoyable and help build a connect betweenRBIand the young student community enrolled in schools
across the country and achieve extensive dissemination of financial literacy.
It is also an opportunity for recognizing and encouraging bright young
students on a national platform. RBI Quiz will be held at 62 locations across the
country and Hyderabad has been chosen as one of the locations. On July
25, 2014 Srikari Pasumahy of IB 1 and Ruhita of CBSE grade 11 accompanied
by their Mentor Ms Durga IBDP Economics faculty participated in
the RBIQ held at Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Nizamiah
Observatory Campus, Begumpet, Hyderabad .The students were awarded with a
certificate of participation. Thanks to the parents for their valuable
contributions made for the students to participate in this event. Reflections of
participating Students” We would like to participate in the quiz next year and
would like to take current affairs as our hobby”.
boards are an important component of schools as they provide a way to introduce
display of student work. The use of interactive boards in the school ensures
that students recognize the importance of the posted materials. Theyarepowerful teaching community-building
tools and help establish a positive climate in the school. They can be an
incentive for students to do their best , are source of providinginteresting information to parents and
visitors as they walk around in the school corridors. The
inter house display board competition was held on 24 July 2014. The topic was
United Nations which was in sync with the Junior Model United Nation that was
going on in school. The House Masters with the students created boards that
were equally engaging and educational. These display boards will be changed
frequently and relate to concepts currently being covered in school. The
results of the inter house display board competition – 1 are as follows:
Sen-First C.V.Raman
– Second Mother
Teresa- Third Rabindranath
Tagore- Fourth
Our youngest Oakridger's who have stepped into nursery this
month, have settled very well and are very much enjoying their time in school.
They come with a big smile on their faces like a bright sun and make the
classroom shine whole day. The Little ones engage themselves in various
activities like singing and dancing in the circle time. They enjoy free play in
different corners like clay modeling, imaginary play, blocks and beads and
picture reading. Outdoor play is the most enjoyable moment for our little ones.
Our youngest Oakridger's play learn and grow together.