Tuesday, November 23, 2010

AlMUN Conference held in Noida during 19th -21st NOV 2010

                AlMUN conference held in Noida during 19th -21st NOV 2010 was well organized. Advisors of each school were introduced to the Chairperson Dr. Amita Chauhan. It was great pleasure for me to observe our 10 student’s performance  during AIMUN 2010 (19th -21st NOV)in various committee’s like ECOSCO, UNESCO,Crisis committee,General Assembly were 500 national and international students came together to draft a charter of a new world body, gain a greater understanding of the UN and diplomacy,gain an insight into public relations/international business/politics.This great  exposure would be allowing them to gain valuable research making skills,public speaking  and decision making skills.
Observations during the three day AIMUN conference:
·         Bringing together 500 students from across the globe in one place trying to achieve a common motive-a better understanding and a better world.This has been made clear in their slogan of the AIMUN “BE THE CHANGE, SEE THE CHANGE”.
·         AIMUN conference provided every one a wounderful opportunity to interact with the people from all cross the world and make formal as well as informal connections.
·         AIMUN conference encouraged and prepared the young diplomats of today who are the stake holders of tomorrow, to be informed and sensitized global citizens.
·         The main aim of MUN is to encourage, understand and promote the ideas of peace, respect for human rights and freedom and solidarity. 
·         Through the number of informative, knowledgeable and exciting activities during the three day conference our students (delegates) truly exhibited their talents, to groom themselves a better mankind.
·         The best learning part  was to make the young  generation understand not only students coming together as delegates of various nations to discuss issuesof international concern and they must konw is that,if we , as individuals are ignorant about any urgent issues , then we are unlikely to  make an effort  to help , ever. Therefore, awarness comes first, then the action, one of the biggest challenges faced by the students is not what they do at this conference  but what are they going to do with the experience of the conference?   I.e we have to be united in our pain, our sorrow and our fear, our hope, our passion and our fraternity.
          Attending the three day conference for me was amazing and bought me an very good insight and  understanding  the purpose of it  .

Ms.Indira Lokesh
IBDP Faculty

1 comment:

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