Friday, July 4, 2014

Introductory Business Class in grade 9, CIE

On the first day of school in the 7th period, we had Business Studies Introduction class. The subject teacher walked into the class, her name is Ms. Siby. We were not talking much about the subject, but Siby Ma’am had planned two activities for us. The first activity was about observation. She paired us up together and asked us to observe each other for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, she asked us to make a change. For example, taking out the ID card or watch etc. Then we had to turn around facing towards our partners and asked us to observe again and tell what change was made in each other.

Ms. Siby had another activity for us and we all had great fun participating in the activities. We passed our time knowing the subject, about observation, team work, staying focussed and knowing the wonderful lady who was going to be our subject teacher.


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