Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PAT EXPO-2011-12

The program for Academically Talented students


On 21, 26 and 28 March ’12 the parents Grades IV , V and VI PAT students, respectively, were invited to the world of stimulating minds. Our young, smart and energetic Pat-ians took their parents through their journey of PAT .The children presented deductive skills with baffling logic problems, tantalizing word games and number puzzles which would give their minds a thorough workout to help them in all aspects of life.

Oakridge placed their students at the heart of realistic learning. PAT Expo was a platform to let children take ownership of their learning.

To stretch the minds a competition was organized between Parents and the Pat-ians, where all were engrossed in solving challenging activities. It was an overwhelming sight to see the young minds and parents stretching their brains to work out various mind bending puzzles and activities.

It was a cherished event for Parents to be quizzed by their young Pat-ians.

Parents speak:

The Expo was brilliant I had lot of fun. The effort you have put in the PAT Program, Great structure that truly provides a differentiating experience.

Sireesha Rani M/o Divita

I appreciate the efforts the kids ,school management and teachers have put in. Sonam Rehani M/O Eeshan Rehani

I appreciate the extra effort taken up by the school to enrich the student’s knowledge. Rita M/O Siddharth

I appreciate the energy and effort the teachers put in and the school for offering the PAT program .A great way for the kids to learn and have fun.

Srilatha Rayasam M/O shruthi and Keerhi

The Expo was very informative about what PAT is all about .I totally appreciate what was taught to my daughter.

Really appreciate the teacher’s hard work.

Vinod Jalgam F/O Prajna

Very challenging!! Eye Opener!!

Enjoyable! Brain teasing!

Mind blowing!!

Appreciate the hard work put in by the teachers

Shefali Rao M/o Mruthyunjay Rao

G-4 Project- a mini science fair put up by IBDP

On Tuesday, February 28th, the grade 11 and 12 IB students of Oakridge celebrated Science Day by setting up a G4 exhibition about cosmetics. Its aim was to expose the different aspects of cosmetics – cosmetic surgery, liposuction, traditional cosmetics, dental cosmetics, tattoos, and hair – by displaying charts, experiments, and demonstrations.


The G4 (Group 4) project is a collaborative interdisciplinary activity which laces an emphasis on the processes involved in scientific investigation, rather than the products of such an investigation. This project encouraged the students to appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science

While the primary purpose of the exhibition was to learn more about the biological, chemical, physical, and environmental aspects of cosmetics, many of the students went beyond this initial requirement by getting creative with their topics.

The entire IBDP team was divided into groups concerning sub-topics underneath the over-arching theme of cosmetics. The groups worked in collaboration to cover aspects like cosmetic dentistry, cosmetic surgery and cosmetics over the ages. Some students researched about skin grafting and burn victims while others dealt with hair care and personal hygiene products such as deodorants. The result was varied as well as informative.

The cosmetic surgery group not only put up charts and showed videos about implants and Botox, but also had a human mannequin, named Cynthia, displayed to indicate the regions where implants are commonly used.


The group concerned with tattoos brought templates and paints to give visitors temporary tattoos. They also showed the mechanics behind the Tattoo gun, the bio-chemical implications of inks and dyes on skin and how removing a tattoo can be very painful.


The liposuction group set up a hospital bed – complete with curtains and white sheets – to show the environment in which a liposuction is typically performed. They screened a video module of liposuction surgery besides sharing a very well researched presentation on types of liposuctions.

The group working on Hair transplants put up an informative simulation of the use of different methods of hair implants and also shared the durability of such processes.

The station put up on shampoos and hair


was a crowd puller as they had experimentally shown how organic shampoos were much better over inorganic ones. There experiments on differential germination of seeds when treated with different types of shampoos and surface tension


complimented their presentation.

The station “Beauty over the ages”


was converted into a traditional spa and the group spoke on the use of henna, aromatherapy, etc. They also displayed some shampoos and beauty products they had made in the labs using simple organic substances.

The group working on perfumes had actually taken in trip to a local perfume factory


during their research and shared the information with the visitors who came to their station. Another group worked on the diffusion property of different deodorants by using data-logger to experimentally establish their findings.

The station on Cosmetic Dentistry


had all the major components like braces – types, the different types of wires used for braces, veneers, crowns, etc on display and the presentation of cosmetic processes to bring out the aesthetic value of dentition was very informative.

Throughout the G4 project, the students of the IB curriculum learned many things.


They learned how to work as a team, communicate ideas, and motivate others. We learned how to present information in a thoughtful, creative manner.


Most importantly, we learned how to create links between the different fields of science, and, in a broader field, in the different fields of education. The G4 cosmetics exhibition was a learning experience for everyone.

All the students involved worked like a well-oiled machine and carried out everything very smoothly. This project has given a huge opportunity for team-building and the students have taken advantage of each moment. Development of personal skills was quite evident as the students expressed responsibility and commitment every step of the way.

Shruti Koti (IBDP XII) and Palashika Bhat (IBDP XI)

Global Fiesta

Dear Parent

You are invited for our most awaited event  "Global Fiesta" on 29 March 2012.



Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pre-primary , ShowTime for children


Pre-primary children witnessed a very interesting show by Mimicry Artiste and Ventriloquist Mr. Santhosh Kumar on 16 March, Friday at the MPH. He told them many stories using various puppets adding the sound effects for the extra zing. .Children enjoyed the show responding enthusiastically and almost rolling with laughter. They were fascinated by the various puppets and the myriad voices they could make.

But most of all their curiosity were so fired that they asked Mr. Santhosh numerous questions ,which he diligently answered , explained and demonstrated.

Overall it was a very interactive session where children were involved in the story telling and their inputs taken to drive the story .

Rapid fire question from children :

VIDYA (PP2F)- How could you make so many puppets ?

SHERWA (PP1D)- How different sounds will come from one voice ?

ARJUN (PP1A) – How does the puppet talk ?

VETALI (PP2B)- How did you make the puppets ?

PRAVALIKA (PP1E) – Where did you buy all the puppets from ?

VENKAT (PP2B)- How did you make the eyes and the mouth move while talking ?

DHRUTI (PP2B) – I want to know how can you make so many sounds?

BISMAH (PP1B)- Does the puppet know the life cycle of butterfly ?

DHEER (PP2C ) – How does the puppet talk ?

ADITI (PP2D ) – How can the puppet understand what you say ?

KHUSHI (PP2E ) – How will the eyebrows move when the puppet ?

NAEL (PP2F ) – How can you can make napkin talk ?

Cat up a tree..


Ever have a cat-up-a-tree? Ever seen a catapult? The following was received from a missionary in Romania. God's care, creativity and timing is awesome!
Suddenly a bright idea struck the pastor! By tying the wispy branches of the tree to the bumper of his car and slowly driving forward, he could bend the top branches enough to reach his terrified, precious kitten. Carefully, the brave rescuer executed the brilliant plan.
However, just as the pastor reached for his furry friend, the rope snapped and the wide-eyed, frozen kitty flew through the air as though catapulted into space.
What to do? After a fruitless search the dejected pastor gave the care of his former companion into the hands of his Creator.

While shopping not many days later, the pastor bumped into the grocery cart of a woman from his church. Knowing her reputation for disliking cats, he commented on the fact that she had cat food in her basket.
"You'll never believe what happened!" replied the woman. "My little girl has been begging me for a kitten for months and I continually responded that we have no need for a cat. She has such love for animals, and one day when she again asked for her very own cat, I told her that I would not get a cat for her, but if God gave her one, she could keep it."
Satisfied with the answer, my daughter ran into the backyard, got down on her knees, closed her eyes tightly and prayed, "Dear God, please send me a kitty of my very own to love and care for. Amen."
"She opened her eyes and what do you think she saw? A little kitten with paws outstretched flying through the air. It landed right in front of my daughter and has been part of our family ever since!"

Now, rewind back to our own life, how many of us keep worrying from the pastor's perceptive and miss out seeing the miracles from the little girl's perspective?


Oakridgers @ Dhola ri Dhani

कक्षा चार के पाठ्यक्रम में राजस्थान पाठ है| इस पाठ में निहित लिखित जानकारी को प्रत्यक्ष रूप से छात्र देख सके इस उद्देश से दिनांक १७ मार्च को शैक्षणिक यात्रा पर छात्रों को ढोलारी- ढाणी ले जाया गया| जहाँ छात्रों ने राजस्थानी खान पान, वेशभूषा, नृत्य , कला ,  कठपुतली का खेल, आदि के बारें में ज्ञान प्राप्त किये| इस शैक्षणिक यात्रा से छात्रों के ज्ञान में बढ़ोत्तरी हुई | 
