Saturday, January 1, 2011

From the Principal's Desk

Capt.Rohit Sen Bajaj
Principal OIS

We've turned  the page on another year. It’s hard to believe that we are in the year 2011 and finished with the first decade of the 2000’s…WOW! Shocking how time flies!!! Seems like yesterday we were getting used to writing 2010. Now it's on to 2011.. At this time, I reflect on the  many blessings we have received; the friendships we have made; the challenges we have met; the struggles we have endured, and the achievements we have celebrated.
 I would like to wish every member of the Oakridge Community a Happy New Year. I trust everyone is able to enjoy quality time with their family and loved ones.

I would like to thank the students for their involvement and contributions throughout the year. As evidenced at the Founders Celebration, so many students have excelled in a variety of fields, from academic, cultural and sporting to those who have given generously of their time for the betterment of others in our community.

To all the parents who have supported the School throughout the years - thank you. Again, as with the students, so many parents have given generously of their time and energy to assist by helping out at  various  special occasions.

I thank the staff for their efforts and commitment to our fine young children and the enthusiastic manner in which they have embraced change and new directions.

We are moving in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go together.
So,last but not the least my fondest wish is for health and happiness for all in the new year. Both are things that we take for granted at our own peril. Happiness can be fleeting and good health should be a birthright. Both require care and nurturing,so be good to yourself in the year 2011 .

I extend my warmest wishes for a New Year filled with happiness, peace and prosperity.

 Happy Holidays!

Down the memory lane

Jr.School Founders Celebration

Sr.School Founders Celebration

1 comment:

  1. Founder's Day.....tremendous effort by one and all...great show of team spirit....immense talent of Oakridgers - unleashed....a truly satisfying experience.....cheers to Oakridge!!!!!!
