Friday, March 11, 2011

Community Service @ Spain by Oakridgers


This is an email updating the Principal –Capt.Rohit Sen Bajaj.

Good Evening Sir,

This is Mounika, from the Spain exchange group of students. I wanted to share some interesting events of today with you sir. Today was our first day performing community service, with a group of handicapped individuals. They were approximately 40-60 years old and few had psychological problems as others had speech impairments. We all received charge of an individual and took them for a walk in their wheelchairs and then to a nearby restaurant. It was truly a wonderful experience sir. They were all exhilarated by our presence and i could see the joy in their eyes. I enjoyed myself as well, it was the first time in any of my service projects I was so truly immersed. They questioned us about India--- the culture, the attire, the food, currency, etc. and everyone was eager to explain and elaborate. We look forward to visiting them soon again, and perhaps even in our Indian wear as a surprise for them. They say the best CAS projects are those where you don't realize its CAS; I could really see that coming alive today.

Just some thoughts we wanted to share Sir. On the other end, the language classes and the sightseeing is going very well and we will be viewing the more significant monuments of the city on Monday.

Thank you so much for your time.

All the students :)

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