Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pre-primary , ShowTime for children


Pre-primary children witnessed a very interesting show by Mimicry Artiste and Ventriloquist Mr. Santhosh Kumar on 16 March, Friday at the MPH. He told them many stories using various puppets adding the sound effects for the extra zing. .Children enjoyed the show responding enthusiastically and almost rolling with laughter. They were fascinated by the various puppets and the myriad voices they could make.

But most of all their curiosity were so fired that they asked Mr. Santhosh numerous questions ,which he diligently answered , explained and demonstrated.

Overall it was a very interactive session where children were involved in the story telling and their inputs taken to drive the story .

Rapid fire question from children :

VIDYA (PP2F)- How could you make so many puppets ?

SHERWA (PP1D)- How different sounds will come from one voice ?

ARJUN (PP1A) – How does the puppet talk ?

VETALI (PP2B)- How did you make the puppets ?

PRAVALIKA (PP1E) – Where did you buy all the puppets from ?

VENKAT (PP2B)- How did you make the eyes and the mouth move while talking ?

DHRUTI (PP2B) – I want to know how can you make so many sounds?

BISMAH (PP1B)- Does the puppet know the life cycle of butterfly ?

DHEER (PP2C ) – How does the puppet talk ?

ADITI (PP2D ) – How can the puppet understand what you say ?

KHUSHI (PP2E ) – How will the eyebrows move when the puppet ?

NAEL (PP2F ) – How can you can make napkin talk ?

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