Monday, December 27, 2010


                                              To get a right word in the right place is a great achievement, by Mark Twain, which is why our children revel in solving real brainstorming puzzles and brain teasing activities. Our motive is to make children think out of the box and improve their vocabulary.
The third session of PAT was conducted on 29th September. The theme for the day was Word challenges. It started with a mind game followed by word puzzles to push their verbal skills, with a host of puzzles to improve their reasoning and lateral thinking.
Students stretched their minds to solve the mind boggling puzzles; they found the activities to be very challenging and interesting. It was an enjoyable session for both students and teachers.
We were happy to see our students engrossed and captivated to think laterally and learn various techniques to enhance their skills.
To summarize “it was an awesome session “as said by one of the students (VISHNU SAKOTAI-GR -V

Activities  for Grade 5
FREAKY MIND GAME-must try!!!!
Think of a number from 1 to 10
             Multiply that number by 9
             If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together
            Now subtract 5
                    Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to  the number
                   you ended up with (example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c,etc.)
             Think of a country that starts with that letter.
       Remember the last letter of the name of that country.
               Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter.
               Remember the last letter in the name of that animal.
                       Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter.
       Say the days of the week back­wards, then in alphabetical order.
       Say the months of the year in alphabetical order. Easy? well, why don’t you try doing so back­wards, in reverse alphabetical order.
       Find the sum of your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy. Want more exercise? Do the same with friends’ and rel Name two objects for every letter in your complete name. Work up to five objects, trying to use different items each time.
           Wherever you are, look around and within two minutes, try to find 5 red things that will fit in your pocket, and 5 blue objects that are too big to fit.
Check your spelling and punctuation skills with the proof reading exercise packed full of literal errors and commonly misspelled words.
Word Morph:
CHANGE one letter from each word to make a new word.
       For eg: TART TO DISH
       Now change from:
       1. PALE TO DARK
       2. BALL TO FOOT
MUSICAL GAME Confused countries: 
Dance with the music, when the music stops each one of you have to stand on the circles spread on the floor.
The person who unscrambles the name of the country is thet winner and the game continues.

Widen your Imaginations:
Look at the shapes and see how you would describe them differently in writing .You can be as imaginative as you can. There’s no right or wrong answer to it. Shapes were given as a handout separately.
Activities for Grade 6:
SMART THINKING:   Answer it: If half of nine is four and half of twelve is seven what is half of thirteen?
Combine the chunks to get a word:
10 nine letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These chunks have been mixed up, no Chunk is used twice and all chunks are used. Can you dDetermine what the 10 words are?
MIND’S EYE:  Without lifting the pencil draws 4 lines so that each dot is intersected by a line. you cannot retrace any line
.     .    .
                        .     .    .
                        .     .     .
       LOGOGRAMS:  The test with logograms is to find a key word by answering clues to smaller words, within the key word. Each clue tells you which sequence of letters in the keyword makes up the answer, for example in the key word ANOTHER, the word NOT is letters two to four .The clue to the keyword itself is always in the last line.
       one to four is audacious cheek,-GALL
              Two to four everything you seek-__ ___ ___
               Five to seven this insect works hard,-ANT
               Seven to nine an attempt to regard-__ ___ ___
               Two to six finds Poe’s second name-ALLAN,
               Courage and chivalry may win the game.
       GALLAN__ __ ___
Reasoning Skills-
Try the exer­cise below to test your attention focus.  How many times is the word SUN shown?
How many times is the word BUS shown?
How many times is the word NONE shown?
Worksheets were given to students.
Team Building skills-ALL ABOARD: This is another physical game. Depending on the size of your team, place a 1-foot to 3-foot square of cardboard on the floor, or mark off a square with masking or duct tape. Draw numbers, one for each team member. In order of the numbers drawn, team members must stand in the square. As the number of people in the square increases, members will have to work together and get creative to get everyone aboard. This exercise practices cooperation, problem-solving and leadership.

Through this program the students develop the following skills
Reading (Speed and comprehension)
Creative thinking
 Problem solving abilities
Team building


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