Sunday, October 30, 2011

I’m Unique – A forum on positive parenting

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Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never come again. Apart from teaching our children two and two make four and Paris is the capital of France, are we also teaching them what they are? They are a marvel. They are UNIQUE. They have the capacity for everything!

Are we being sculptors or gardeners? Are we constantly hovering over our kids like ‘helicopter parents’ telling them what to do and what not to, or are we nurturing them with kindness and patience, allowing them to explore, experiment, unlearn & learn? Do we praise our kids based on their abilities or based on their actions?

These were the points of discussion in ‘I’m Unique’, a forum organized on 29th October for parents of Grade 2. Dr.Shakila Naidu the school psychologist and Ms.Sharon the junior school student advisor were the experts on the panel. Nearly 50 parents attended this forum. Parents listened intently to the experts & fellow attendees.

Some of queries raised were –

My son wants to try a new thing every time…he takes dancing classes quits in 3 months….singing classes ….quits in 3 months…what could I do about this?

I am planning to send my older one to boarding school. Is that OK?

How could we avoid shouting at children when they resist?’

My son listens better to his teacher than me!

It is a lot of stress to watch each word that we speak!

Could we talk to children about the authority at school?

What are the best ways to make them believe in themselves?

The expert panel had more than adequate responses to the questions raised by the parents. It was a unique session, a time for reflection to reinforce our thinking or change ourselves if that was the need…

Ms.Anuradha Sawhney

Coordinator Grades 1 & 2

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