Tuesday, August 16, 2011


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It is a matter of pride for every Indian to be a part of the celebrations of India’s independence. It is an occasion to salute our freedom fighters and builders of modern India and reaffirm our commitment to empower the underprivileged to realize their aspirations.

In true spirit of independence the Oakridgers celebrated the occasion in all serenity and commitment. The programme began with the ceremonial parade followed by the flag hoisting by the Principal Capt. Rohit Bajaj. Speaking on the occasion Capt.Bajaj said that one should not be taking freedom for granted resulting in its abuse. He spoke about Gandhian philosophy of Ahimsa saying that the principles of peace and harmony are not restricted to conflict alone. Violating anything be it nature, society or family amounts to violating freedom. He called upon the students to commit themselves to an evolvement and growth that stems from their own efforts to be responsible individuals. The Principal concluded his speech with the belief that greater things are yet to come and greater things will be done by none other than the Oakridge community.

There was a speech by the Head Boy Azaan Ali and the Head Girl Ramya Baddam who spoke about retrospection and reflecting on our actions. It is time for us they said to take a resolution and commit ourselves to effecting a positive change in society...a society free of nepotism, crime and discrimination.

There were songs rendered by the Junior and the Senior school students that reverberated with the message of patriotism and love for our country followed by a dance depicting the terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

The programme culminated with the national anthem and one could see the patriotic fervour and the message that the day brought ….. to give to our future generations an India that they can be proud of, a country that takes pride in its culture, its heritage and most of all its strong value system.

Ms.Mohseena Hussain

Activity Coordinator

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