Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Acting is so much more real than life

Acting deals with very delicate emotions. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself. As Paul Newman said Acting is a question of absorbing other people's personalities and adding some of your own experience. An actor has to develop his body and has to work on his voice and on his mind also.  There are three main tools of an actor BODY, VOICE AND MIND. Acting is a lot of fun because it deals with emotions but an actor should never forget that Acting is not being emotional, but being able to express emotion. There are many acting theories which teach many ways of acting but in different style.  Stanislavsky system of acting is called “Method acting”. “Method acting” is a group of techniques actors use to create in themselves the thoughts and feelings of their characters, so as to develop lifelike performances. “The Magic If” exercise was developed by Stanislavski. Stanislavski did not think that an actor could honestly believe in the truth and reality of events on the stage, but he said that an actor can believe in the possibility of events. An actor must only try to answer the question," What would I do if I were in King Lear's position?" Epic theatre was a reaction against popular forms of theatre, one of the goals of epic theatre is for the audience to always be aware that it is watching a play.
Biomechanics was a system of actor training developed by Vsevolod Meyerhold. Its purpose was to widen the emotional potential of a theatre piece and express thoughts and ideas that could not be easily presented through the naturalistic theatre of the period. Acting will always remain everyone’s favourite because through acting we express ourselves and our emotions. That is why Oscar Wilde said “I love acting. It is so much more real than life.




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