Monday, November 11, 2013

PYP Exhibition: The Journey So far – (Hiba Jamil – 5H)

The journey of PYP exhibition has been truly a treasure even today when we have not yet had the exhibition itself. As a student I feel that this is a journey which I want to continue traveling on because it helped me learn throughout the whole way and I also want to share my journey with you. I'd like to start by saying that this wonderful experience began all the way back in the first week of school. We were introduced to the exhibition by a power point presentation on what the exhibition was about. At the end of the presentation we had gained great knowledge on the topic, each one of us had questions and ideas in mind. As weeks and months went ahead so did our knowledge.

We were then given an assignment to bring 1 newspaper article every day, content of which seemed interesting to us from which a topic would be chosen for all of grade 5 on which they would make their PYP exhibition. Some of us were intrigued by sports while others by politics, healthcare, etc. We learned from each other and the situations that our friends were interested in. After a few weeks or so, we were told that we were going to be given a surprise. The surprise then turned out to be about the PYP exhibition and its results. Our class teacher, Pratik Thapa Sir then told us that after looking at all the choices, we have come to a conclusion that grade 5 has the most number of articles on the themes "Who We Are "and "How We Organize Ourselves”.

It was then decided that our theme would be "Who We Are". Our class teacher showed us many interesting areas that could be covered under the theme of “Who We Are” and we realized the advantages that come with this theme.

We then had many discussions during the Exhibition period that we have every Friday on various topics and at the end saw that our ideas had actually fit under the chosen theme. Many hands then rose in the air and further discussions followed where our class came together and brainstormed ideas with the help of our class teacher. That is what we have done till now in our PYP exhibition and how much of this incredible, fun-loving and knowledgeable journey we have completed and I hope that the later part of this journey is as incredible as the beginning.

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