Friday, June 28, 2013


Henry VIII (28june 1491-28 January 1547) King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death.
King Henry VIII was a talented and skilful musician. The ability to play musical instruments and perform the latest dances was essential skills on the royal court. The introduction of new musical instruments during the period of the Tudors produced a much more refined sound than had been produced during the early middle Ages. During the Tudor period music was being taught in schools and Universities and King Henry VIII have received the best in musical education. He would have enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate his skills in music and gained a reputation as a good singer, musician and composer.
His love of music prompted King Henry VIII to make his royal court a center of musical culture which both English and foreign musicians were encouraged to attend. His center of musical culture and the influx of foreign composers and musicians led to the development of music during the Renaissance era and experimentation with various combinations of musical instruments which was the basis for our modern orchestras.

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