Monday, September 16, 2013

An Interesting Interview!!

The students of 10th IGCSE celebrated World Literacy Day. All the students and drivers were assembled in the amphitheatre as Mr. Manmohan Jain, the chairman of the Indian Literacy Project arrived. He discussed the importance of literacy withal of us and told the drivers about the “open school”-an initiative taken up by his organization. We were taken aback by the interest the drivers showed in completing their education. After all their questions were answered, each student was assigned to a driver and we headed to the ICT lab. The drivers were all seated and we explained to them the benefits of having an e-mail id. We then helped them create their own e-mail id-s according their preferences. By the end of the activity, all the drivers had their own e-mail ids and were sending mails to each other. We interviewed few of the drivers to know the feedback and they were greatly thankful to us. We all learned that if you have the passion and drive, you achieve the unthinkable.
-Reflections by Nishta and Supriya, X G, CIE.

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