Monday, November 4, 2013

Program for Academically Talented Students

Stirring minds!!
Alluring Activities!!!
Superior challenges!!!

Helping students learn and grow is a goal of every school.  Implicit in that goal is an understanding of how to work with talented children. Oakridge too believes in providing optimal educational experiences for talents to flourish in as many children as possible. PAT encompasses the brain-racking activities.

Through a series of engaging activities & exercises we stimulate the children’s minds to rise above greater challenges. PAT is getting strengthened with every session. Five sessions of PAT were conducted so far.

The feedback we get from the students keeps the PAT team motivated.

“Very, very informative and cool, keep it up PAT! - Niveda
I enjoyed today’s class and I am looking forward for next. It was very informative; the activities are very challenging - Maurya
The activities are interesting especially PAT café - Satvik
I like it a lot!!! Even though I feel awkward about going home at 5 pm, it’s still a great program.  We are learning a lot - Snitika
Wow!!! factor keeps me motivated - Vahati

Glimpse of the PAT classes in action:

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