Wednesday, February 29, 2012

4th Round of Chairman’s Trophy


The fourth chairman’s trophy was held on 29-2-12. The topic was ‘Internet- the death of newspapers’. Four students from each section had to speak about this topic. The audience was very excited and started cheering as the first class was being picked out. The students gave a lot of information. Some were Pros and some were Cons. Some of the Pros for internet were that internet news is easily accessible to people, internet saves trees and is easier to understand, newspapers lead to deforestation, newspapers keep you waiting, etc. Some of the pros for newspapers were that newspapers keep you healthy as it is not good staying on computers for a long time, they give general knowledge to younger children, they are a good way of entertainment for those who cannot access internet.

The Judges Ms.Raksha, Ms.Sheherbanoo and Ms. Sakina as well as the audience was very surprised by the way the students talked as they were speaking with so much enthusiasm. In the end, everyone was anxiously waiting for the results. The third place went to 6E, the second place went to 6B and the first place went to 6C.. All of us are eagerly waiting for the next Chairman’s Trophy.

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