Thursday, January 24, 2013

Grade II 's Special assembly on Republic Day

Wednesday morning is our regular grade two assembly day. Besides the important objective, that the pupils get an opportunity to feel that the school is an organized group and they develop a sort of community spirit that is not possible if the classes remain isolated from each other , assembly provides an opportunity to the students to spectacle themselves at their best. It is a magnificent platform for the kids to showcase their talents and gain buoyancy. 

This time grade 2F had the opportunity to conduct the assembly .Being in front of the school can be nerve racking and uncomfortable but the young announcers were really enthusiastic and robust. Students opened the assembly by leading everyone in a rendition of the prayer and took it forward so well that everyone was enthralled. Learners took over the sage to have discussion and questionnaire session on the upcoming event of 61 Republic days. It was an enriching experience.

1 comment:

  1. What a great achievement - Great job 2F! Anika shared with me what a great time everyone had and how much she enjoyed being a part of the discussion on Constitution.... Thank you Chetna & other teachers for making it happen!
