Saturday, April 27, 2013

Summative Assessment - Amulika


Ferdinand Magellan 

Task: Chose one explorer and explain about their exploration, journey, discovery and reasons of exploration. Explain based on the timeline for each destination, (America, Africa, Asia, Australia, others) outer space, jungle, pole, ocean, cave mountain, etc.

Facts and Information
Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese Explorer. His expedition of 1519-1522 became the first expedition to sail from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In his career he sailed to India and to the Far East many times via Africa’s Cape of Good Hope.

Early life and travels
Magellan was born around 1480 either at Vila Nova de, near Porto, in Douro Litoral Province, or at Sabrosa, near Vila Real, in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Province, in Portugal. He was the son of Rodrigo de Magalhães, alcaide-mór of Aveiro (1433–1500) (son of Pedro Afonso de Magalhães and wife Quinta de Sousa) and wife Alda de Mesquita and brother of Leonor or Genebra de Magalhães, wife with issue of João Fernandes Barbosa.

Voyage around the world
He sailed from Seville on the 10th day of August of the said year [1519], and remained at the bar until the 21st day of September, and as soon as he got outside, he steered to the southwest to make the island of Tenerife, and they reached the sand island on the day of St. Michael, which was the 29th of September.

What did Ferdinand Magellan accomplish?
Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. He showed everyone that he was a great explorer who had went around the world.

Learning Outcome
Learnt about an explorer and learnt about what he has done. I think I can come up with more information.

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