Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reflections on the Mentoring Session for IGCSE Teachers!!!

On Saturday the 26th October 2013, the IGCSE teachers had an extremely useful and informative mentoring session. During the weekdays for the past four months, Ms. Alka and Ms. Indu used to visit our classes to observe the classroom management strategies and the teaching methodologies adopted by the teachers and it was time to get the feedback from them. All the teachers were eager to hear from them.

Ms. Alka started off with her presentation, she emphasised on the classroom observation and individual interactions. She was happy with some of the classroom teaching methodologies and the strategies adopted by the teachers to make the class interactive. However, she also added how the classroom teaching could be improved. She illustrated with an example the Pros and Cons of group work and the method of making group work more effective. Cross grouping and Jigsaw Reading were also explained.

Ms. Indu’s session dealt with discipline as the main focus. She talked about the importance of discipline in the classroom and discipline in the assembly. A special emphasis was given on classroom arrangement, class involvement, class encouragement and intervention by student councillor.

Mr. Biju also added his suggestions and recommendations regarding the topics discussed. Altogether, it was an enlightening session. We look forward for such sessions in the days to come which would help us improve the quality of education at Oakridge.

   -     Reflections by participating teachers, IGCSE

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