Monday, July 7, 2014

Activity on Heat Zones of the Earth by Grade VII-G & H

An activity on the heat zones of the earth was done in Grade VII -G and H. Students were asked to draw a colourful diagram showing the three zones in different colours. Students enjoyed this activity. Their reflections are noted below:

·        I feel real joyful when I am doing this task and I also thank my social teacher because she introduced us to these creativities.
                                     K.Brihat, VII G

·        Today, in Individuals and Societies, we did an activity on the heat zones of the earth. It was fun and also resourceful for my notebook. I enjoyed it and I hope there will be an activity like this conducted soon.
                                                                      Ruhin, VII G

·        The project we created for the Heat zones of the world” was a very interesting task to do. We could learn the heat zones and also be even more creative.
                                                                                                                                  Anika, VII G

·        I enjoyed the ‘Heat zones of the world’ activity a lot. It helped me learn the concept and it was fun and interesting.
                                                                       Nikita VII G

1 comment:

  1. Super children ☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
