Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Field Trip to the Health Museum



On 22nd of NOV the students of Grade 4 went on a field trip to the Health Museum, Hyderabad in connection with their UOI topic ‘Human Body’. This health museum is located in the heart of Hyderabad city and is supposed to be first of its kind. The museum is divided into various sections where they have taken efforts to build models of various human organs and also diseases related to it and precautions to be a taken. The organ specimens displayed gave them a better understanding of the topic. Information and display of various contagious diseases with pictures of the condition made it even more interesting. The highlight of the museum is the Egyptian mummy from 2500BC.

Students speak …..

The health museum was interesting and fun. The mummy was amazing.

Revanth ( IV B)

It was a great experience to see all the human body organs.

Esha (IV B)

After visiting the Health museum I am more health conscious and understand how to protect myself from germs. It was a good learning of health for me.

Siddharth (IV B)

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