Wednesday, July 17, 2013

XA CAS activity

“If one can make a difference, the whole world can make a difference.” This is one of the many quotes given by delegates all around the world. But these words tend to remain inked on parchment without inspiration. We took the first small step on the undoubtedly big leap from the whole world.

On 5th of July, 2013, as part of our CAS activity, Grade 10A had made a difference. We helped the environment for a cleaner, greener and brighter tomorrow. Under the care and guidance of Mrs. Valentena Satri, our class had brought in a large array of exotic and colorful plants-roses, lemongrass, petunias and many more. After carefully surveying the soil we drew up a conclusion that it required some nutrient enhancement.

In the morning we walked to the skating rink and observed that the place around it was barren and dull. We were all buzzing with excitement and couldn’t wait to get started. With small plots assigned to us we took the account of the plants we had. In the big city of Hyderabad it’s not uncommon not to have a blooming garden, so none us had any experience in gardening whatsoever. This problem was quickly taken care of by our school gardeners who taught us the basics. Gardening is an extremely delicate job as the blooms were fragile.

Our class decided to arrange the flowers in a unique zigzag pattern and so digging small holes to plant the young saplings. Who knew gardening was such difficult work! Our class used iron rods and crowbar to break through and slowly leveled the plots. We shoveled, dug and shoveled some more, carefully placing the plants in their new home. After watering the plants we also dug trenches for maximum water absorption.

An hour into the job our garden started taking shape. Exquisite flowers rimmed with hues of pink and mauve gave a burst of color to the otherwise barren land. Our class was really proud of what we accomplished! To make those oh so happy memories we took plenty of pictures that we’ll definitely look back on smiling and laughing. Definitely thanking our teacher for those good times and how she’s made the difference we’ve followed. We would definitely want to see how our little garden turns out and no doubt feel proud about it!

These memories were definitely made but this activity also helped the environment. Deforestation is a major problem and everyday forest area the size of a football field is cut down. If we don’t take a stand as future leaders, no one will. XA has started, why don’t you follow? Planting beautiful floral plants not only adds to the beauty of a place but also the cleansing of the earth’s air, our air. So, help and lead your peers. If schools around the world follow Oakridge’s example, we have a fighting chance for a prosperous future. Stand up for the future, stand up for earth; it’s not too late for a change. We’ve proved it.

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