Monday, October 28, 2013

Action begins at home…Grade 4

The children of fourth grade had CAS (Creative Action Service) program. They were shown three videos to help them realize how privileged they are. In the first video, the Oakridge School students, the infrastructure and various facilities were shown. In the second video, the underprivileged children of Government school were shown. 
Children were very moved by the second video. They were very sad that children did not have shoes or classrooms with fans. They were surprised that there were 62 children in one class! They even saw that children sat on the ground for studying. They realized that they were really privileged that they could come to a good school to study. Then, they were shown a video about a man who had to feed his poor family with wasted food. Children were moved to tears after watching it. Many of them made a decision not to waste their food. 

A follow-up activity was done after showing the three videos. They were asked to note down the differences between the government school and the private school. This activity made them aware that they are a privileged lot. A few children told that they will give the leftover food to the poor people outside their home instead of wasting it.
As school is considered the second for a child and action begins from home, children were asked to help themselves by cleaning their classrooms and cupboards. Children enjoyed the activity because they could make their surroundings neat. Overall, children loved the CAS program. This program instils thinking in our children about the other fellow beings on the planet.

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