The students of PP2 inquired about
different types of homes and were able to identify
different reasons why people live in a particular type of house, based on
weather conditions. At the end of the unit the children built their
dream house using various indigenous materials. As students are techno-savy
they went ahead and showed their creativity by depicting unique houses using
Students reflection
I want to build caterpillar house in
forest so that the all caterpillar can live in it. Mahika pp2a
I want to build a magic house in fairy
land with lots of diamonds and stars. saathvika pp2a
I want to make a Barbie house in
Hyderabad for my mom and dad. Nihiraka
I want to build wooden house in America
because my friends live there. Tanish pp2c
I want to build skyscraper because it is
so tall. Mahin pp2d
I want to build very strong house with
bricks and cement so that all my friends can live in my house. Athrav pp2e

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