Thursday, October 17, 2013

Visit to SishuVihar as part of CAS Activity.

  `Tertullian in his Apology on child abandonment: "it is certainly the more cruel way to exposure to cold and hunger and dogs.

On the 27th of September a CAS activity was planned to take the students of CBSE grade XI to Sisuvihar Orphanage. We left for our destination at about 10 am and reached at around 10:30 am. Forty students were accompanied with the CAS Coordinator Ms Shalini Samuel along with Ms Anjum Begum, Ms Vinodhini Nelson and Mr Anand K. The students thought it was a fun filled activity but their perception changed after they met the inmates of the orphanage.

 How I wished they had parents like mine or that of my friends. I questioned myself WHY? WHY? WHY? And IS IT THEIR FAULT THAT THEY ARE LEFT AT THE MERCY OF CARE TAKERS OR DONATORS FOR THEIR SURVIVAL? With all these questions going on in my mind we moved on.
Newly arrived infants were placed in a separate small room, which held about twenty five baby girls during my visit. The babies were cuddly, cute, and alert. When they looked at me with a mesmerising smile on their face, I thought what am I supposed to do smile or cry? This thought provoked so many questions about my own self individuality.

The next room we visited was for those children who were left at the mercy of God in the garbage bins or outside the hospitals, because they were physically challenged or they had special needs. Indeed they had special needs the need was to hold them close to your heart and feel their pain. When we held them, they never wanted us to let them go.
Our journey went on, the next room we found little angels waiting for us and they all wished us “good morning sir” the moment we stepped in. Wow their kind gesture touched my heart. We distributed chocolates, biscuits, chips and fruits and they were very happy and responded by saying “thank you sir”.
 Satyaraj Mayor of grade XI D said” the first thing I would do after going home is to thank my parents for being there for me and the almighty God for blessing me with such wonderful parents”. This trip was an eye opener.

 The visit was definitely touching for I discovered a new side of myself. This is justified by the fact that I spent significant time with them and tried and gave to them the best gift I could provide for it was not physical but emotional - a smile. I also realized how fortunate i am to have my parents provide me with this gift which I tend to bear almost as much as I can.
And I would like to thank you ma'am to give me -rather us- this opportunity to understand this gift. 
Ankit 11A

My thoughts on the visit to the orphanage:
It was a really fulfilling and thought provoking visit to the orphanage. It really got me thinking about the several medical issues that new born orphans suffer from. This trip has made me more thankful and sensitised me towards the situation of the orphans !
All in all it was a very helpful experience and also an extremely heart touching one !
Class:XI E
My experience in the orphanage - it was memorable... This place touched my heart. To see those little toddlers, to imagine how their life must be, it brought tears in my eyes. It was just a casual trip, until I entered into that room, to see so many children left homeless and orphaned. There was so much to learn from these little ones. They made me realize how lucky I am, how much I must thank my parents to have given me this life. I am lucky to have met them, for they sent me back with a big smile and a million memories. I am so thankful to our CAS teacher and all other teachers who took us to that place. I have been taught a simple lesson, to be happy with what I have and to thank all those who have given me this life.  I am sure to go back soon and get back a million smiles and lots of memories.

Yamini Kesavan.

 I was completely changed. I considered myself fortunate to have my own parents, a small but “my” house, my own bedroom, my friends and a far better person. Those orphans instilled a sense of positivity and compassion in me. Now, I have an optimistic approach towards my life. I value everything in my life and thank God for whatever he has given me.
 The causes were discussed in the bus: Poverty is often a root cause of child abandonment. Persons in cultures with poor social welfare systems who are not financially capable of taking care of a child are more likely to abandon them.
 What an unforgettable trip. The eyes, the smiles of the children have lingered in me for a long time since.

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