Monday, December 9, 2013

Teacher Reflection: An Invigorating Yoga Session for the Teachers!!

On Saturday, the 16th November 2013, we had an exciting Yoga session by Ms. Mani, the Yoga Professional of Oakridge International School. She introduced us to Pranayama, Padmasana and Meditation and explained their benefits. Ms. Mani started off with Pranayama. We learnt how to perform Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) which is one of the most effective Pranayama breathing exercises to purify the mind and body. Anulom Vilom offers benefits in curing most of the internal body conditions and is very useful in releasing stress and anxiety. She added that Anulom Vilom Pranayama could be performed by people of all ages.

Next she went on teaching us Padmasana, or lotus pose, where we were asked to cross our legs and place our feet in the crooks of hips, resembling the folded petals of the lotus flower – an auspicious symbol in many yoga teachings. Padmasana, the quintessential seated pose for meditation in yoga, requires open hips, healthy knees and consistent practice. Achieving lotus posture does not make you a better yogi or more spiritual person, but it does offer some benefits to those who can achieve it. It naturally helps lengthen our spine – keeping our posture pristine.

Finally, she requested all of us to Meditate. The goal of meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm. It may come as a surprise to learn that you can meditate anywhere and at any time, allowing yourself to access a sense of tranquillity and peace no matter what's going on around you. She asked us to ignore all the sounds, thoughts etc. that cropped up in the process. We followed all her instructions submissively.

Overall, we did enjoy the whole session and wished we could spend more time with Ms. Mani learning more.

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